Dear All,

A new section in our website: a Patients’ Corner. Over the last three years, I have been contacted several times by patients with their story of how they were coping with their myasthenia and I have felt that it would be of interest for all concerned to read what each might have to say in their search for a better quality of life with MG.
So, we are now dedicating a whole section of the website to such stories/helpful hints from the patients themselves. Do note, however, that stories and hints are not intended as medical advice or anything of the sort; indeed, as most of you know, some health tricks that work for you might not work for another patient, and should be taken with caution and any new idea/direction regarding your health should always be validated by your neurologist.
Note also that this new section is not a forum, but simply the recounting of experiences by people with MG. We hope that you will be numerous in willing to share your experience with others. To do so, I invite you to submit a brief document (around 1 page) with your story or special hint(s) through the “Submit a story” page of this Patients’ Corner section of the EuroMyasthenia website; if deemed of interest to the MG community, it will be validated for posting on the Patients’ Corner section of the EuroMyasthenia website.

With my best wishes,

Nicole Kerlero de Rosbo, PhD.